Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

So I was poking around the other day and saw that The Speks are totally awesome and are offering a free download of their song Saint Patrick's Day to anyone and everyone.  How could I not share this?  Next step is for them to make a video for it I think.  It's a fun little ditty.  Visit The Speks website for a short description of the song and also the complete lyrics so that you can sing along AS LOUD AS POSSIBLE!

<a href="">Saint Patrick's Day by The Speks</a>

I know that this next bit sounds more Scottish, than Irish, but since there is no designated Scottish holiday in America, I decided to include it.  Besides, they're under the header of "Celtic Music", so it all fits.  Anyway, this is the Wicked Tinkers doing Wallop the Cat.  If you've never been to a Wicked Tinkers show, this is another song meant to be AS LOUD AS POSSIBLE!  And you can all sing along because you only need to know the words, "Wallop the Cat!"  The video is a little fuzzy, but still fun.  By the way, if you've never been to a Wicked Tinkers show, wot's yer problem?

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!  Erin go bragh!


  1. Hi Mrs Mama,

    Thanks for spreading the word about The Speks!

    Hope you had a great Paddy's Day.

    Sing loud,
    Quince (from The Speks)

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